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Angles on the Color Circle

Main hue angle on color circle (red = 0 deg): 0 deg
Main hue (vibrant color): #ff0000
Main color (hue + tint + shade): (same as hue)
Angle of offset (on circle): -60 deg
Offset hue: #ff00ff, offset toned color: (same as hue)
Shaded pie on color circle represents the area covered by the gradient


Direction of gradient:

Ivo Makuc, 2023, byguesswork@gmail.com

A simple utility to explore relations between colors on the color circle. How do colors separated by 60 degrees on the color circle look like when they are one next to the other? How well do they go together? What about colors that are separated by 120 or 90 degrees (or any other number)?

Arrow left / right
to change main color (ie. position on the color circle)
Arrow up / down
to change offset (angle on the color circle) between the two colors on the opposite sides of gradient
Black / white (shade / tint) controls
Same shade and/or tint value is applied to both sides of gradient.

In researching for this I was astonished to learn that it was Isaac Newton who formed the theory of the color wheel. Cheeky guy, as if developing calculus and formulating the laws of gravity wasn't enough.

Not mobile friendly. Maybe later.